Philippe completed his apprenticeship at Roger Meylan SA and was then in charge of several departments for a number of years. He left the business in 1993 to take up CAD/CAD-CAM programming. In 1996, at the initiative of Mr Roger Meylan, he returned to the enterprise where he became the production manager. Because of his many skills acquired during management and quality control training courses, he was given an opportunity in 1998 to take over the Roger Meylan SA and Rectasev SA companies. ETSM SA établissements Meier was created in 2008.
Georges, who recently left the mechanical division of a major group in the Western Lausanne region, worked as an engineering officer on the boats of the Suisse – Atlantique SA company. For 30 years, he held several responsible positions at Canplast in Villars-Ste-Croix. In parallel, he played an active role as technical director in the creation of the Ecoplast company, which specialises in the pre-processing of water. He joined his son in 1998 to take over the Roger Meylan SA and Rectasev SA companies.
Martine Meier completed a commercial apprenticeship with the ERB SA Group and took her CFC certificate. She worked in several different branches before joining her brother and father in 1998. She holds a Swiss federal diploma as a finance and accountancy specialist and is in charge of accounting and personnel management.
After completing his apprenticeship as a polymechanic, Sam attended an on-the-job mechanical engineering school. He worked in various companies as a technical buyer and internal auditor for the ISO 9001 standard. He joined ETSM SA in 2018. He consolidated the entire quality infrastructure to comply with the ISO 13485:2016 standard. His in-depth knowledge of ERP software allowed him to optimise the company’s processes and improve its key indicators. He also became the technical point of contact for all new approvals – an essential prerequisite, especially in the medical profession.